I was browsing the internet earlier after i woke up and found this little quote which gave me the strength to get out of bed and try and go about my day. It said "Obstacles are put in your way to see if what you want is really worth fighting for."
This made me think very long and very hard about what it is that I want, and whether it's worth it in the long run. My mind, heart and soul will not let me deny that Kyle is the man I've been waiting for my entire life, and that no one else will do. That can possibly seem obsessive. But I fought tooth and nail for my fiance already, I fully intend to keep him for as long as I live. I'll be the first to admit I was almost ready to give up, to say baby, I can't make you hang on anymore, I can't do it to me or to you.
Something today has given me some sheer determination to see all of this through. I would have nothing....nothing, if it was not for the amazing man in my life. He's everything to me. I can't give that up, no matter how hard this road is. I will not give that up.
Today, my speakers play our song, over and over again. It's by Mary J. Blige, and it's called Stay Down. No song relates our lives both apart and together so well, I suggest anyone having doubts about their long distance relationship go hit youtube now, and listen to that song. Nothing will keep me from the love of my life, my soulmate. I dare the world to try it, throw everything you have our way. Because we'll make it through, just like we always do.
Enjoy your day, live life to the fullest, revel in the here and now, don't worry about the future until the future is the present.
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