Thursday, 3 September 2009

Loooong day

So last night Ky's internet got cut off because some stuff happened and they forgot to pay the bill. It's all cool, I'm sure they'll have it back up in no time if not already by the time Ky gets home from work, but I have to prepare myself for a period of time of not hearing from him. I'm not used to this, the only thing we've always had is an amazing amount of communication. So this is gonna be real rough on me, and him too I'm certain.

The problem is some bad things just happened. REALLY bad things, like, life changing. And I need to be there for him, and I'm not sure if he'll know how there I am for him if he can't talk to me. I really do just want to get on a plane and get to him and the family as fast as possible, and be there when I'm needed. But I can't, I have to sit here and be there for him as much as I possibly can and pray that its enough.

This is the hardest part of any LDR. Being so far away that you can't just rush over to wrap your arms around your loved one when they need it, or take care of them when they're sick. Sometimes really bad things happen, real tests of a long distance relationship bond. Only the strongest of bonds will ever make it through those times, because it's so emotionally and mentally draining on both yourselves and everyone around you.

On top of all of this, I text my mom, because I wasnt sure what the hell was going on with our relationship. And she's never replied. So I'm down a whole bunch of family again. *shrugs* to be honest? I could care less. I really could. It's always been nothing but trouble with my mom, it really has, and I would be glad to be done with it. I just want to get on with my life, not be held back.

I think that's all I have in me for now, I gotta go keep my mind occupied for a while

Guys, as a parting note, look around you. Feel the breeze on your face, the sun on your skin. Marvel at the wondrous things you can do, like speak, walk, run, smile, laugh, love. Stop and look at the beauty of nature instead of passing it by without a second glance. Take joy in everything around you, because you never know when you're going to lose it.

Enjoy your day, seriously.

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