Thursday, 27 August 2009

*stretch and flex*

Blargh blargh blargh. 4am and waiting for Ky to get home from work. So may as well get the fingers tapping, lest I forget that I actually have a blog here I'm supposed to update!

So, as I mentioned, long distance relationships. Let me say right now. This stuff aint for the faint hearted. You gotta have a heart the size of Europe and the strength, will and determination of an ox to get your head around it all. Not one single day is easy. Not one. And anyone who says it gets easier with time is an ass and naive and likely never experienced the trials and tribulations a long distance couple dedicated to each other go through.

Ky and I have been together a while, we fit together like two sides of the same coin. I tell him often he's the yin to my yang haha, and it's true, we agree and fit so well, and when we disagree it's so opposite that we can agree to disagree. We barely fight, ever, just the occasional blow up about nothing when we're stressed. And we're very, very much in love. In a, five minutes around us will give you diabetes, sense of the word =P

But for all that we love each other to the ends of the earth, and can't imagine being with anyone else, our relationship is so hard. 4,000 miles distance is no small thing, and a 5 hour time difference isn't either. We struggle through each day knowing it's one day closer to being back in each other's arms, but it's still a tremendous struggle for the both of us. I just want to cuddle up with him most nights, and not being able to drives me insane.

But for anyone thinking "oh god, this is too hard, I can't do this" just stop. Think to yourself "do I love this person? would I give everything for them, including my own happiness?" if the answer here is yes, then I strongly suggest you give this relationship a shot, because you would be surprised at the resilience of the human race. Your biggest worry factor is trust. You need complete trust in each other for it to work. Non-negotiable.

If you read this and think "ok, I think I can do this, but I don't think I can do it alone" remember, you're not alone, your SO (significant other) is right there with you, fighting at your side for your relationship, and if you need extra support from an understanding support network, scroll down just one blog post for the LFAD link, and find people who know what you're going through.

Just remember "strengths and weaknesses make us human. True love makes us divine"

Enjoy your day!

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