Sunday, 30 August 2009

simplicity is best

Today's been a fairly good day I reckon, in all honesty. Ky came online early, and we chatted for quite a while. My webcam came yesterday so he's absolutely ecstatic that he can see his girl, and makes wild attempts to be late for work cos he doesn't wanna go. Haha, silly boy :)

He's not closing tonight either ^_^ so he'll be home early, and then tomorrow he's not working, so we get to spend the whole day together watchin movies and chillin around the house and doin all the good stuff we only get chance to do one or two days a week. It's sometimes awkward with his work times, because he's alwas working when I wanna be seeing him, but if he worked while I was asleep it would be even worse I think, we'd hardly ever see each other, compared to the amount we do.

All in all, we have a pretty big amount of contact goin on, I know LDR couples who don't get to speak to their SOs for up to a week. I'd hate that, I'd be strong enough to get through it, but I'd hate it. And so would Ky, he'd be sneakin online whenever he could just to see me.

Jumble the Infamous Cat of Nightmare has been fairly quiet for a couple days =/ uh oh, tomorrow, I'm expecting my house to be trashed, she's only chilled when she's preparing for a huge foray into being a complete and utter terror. So yeah, I'm not looking forward to a Jumble Episode haha, but hey, cleaning day on Tuesday, can't really complain much.

I don't really have much all to talk about today, I never really do on good days. Just keepin yer chin up will get you through almost anything. If you aren't moving backwards, you're moving somewhere, nothing in life is stationary.

Enjoy your day!

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